Friday, 5 April 2013

How to Earn Money Online

How to Earn Money Online from Home :Alternatives To Adsense

If you are a web site owner looking for alternatives to adsense by placing pay per click ads from other CPC and eCPM companies or a google adsense customer looking for an extra income frorm other CPC and eCPM companies to be add-on to your adsense earnings, then read on. You might also be one of the earlier adsense customers who got banned for whatever reasons. It is  tough to get approved again for adsense primarily because you don't know why you got banned or even to get a response from them in case you cared to contact google support.

Adsense is the market leader in the pay per click advertising network. For a publisher, adsense gives a better cost per click (CPC) than any competitor. However, in many niche areas, many publishers have achieved higher clickthrough rates (CTR) by implementing ads through companies like Kontera and Chitika. This is mainly due to increasing number of advertisers opting for these ad networks as an alternative to adsense because of the low bid they could get for an ad space compared with google adsense.

The review of these pay per click companies depends on several criteria. Some of them are,

1) The registration or sign up process itself as some of them only allow publishers from US and very few other countries. Some have restrictions to the number of page impressions that you have. Some of the companies require you to fill in the tax details while others do not.

2) The formats available for the PPC ads and the level of control in the control panel. This is very crucial for the space management, the aesthetics of your website, the way they produce reports and such. Some of the companies have a wide variety of banner and text formats, whereas some have a few, while for in-text advertisers, the format is not required at all and even others have ingenious methods of ads like cursor ads. Some of the companies allow you to control your minimum set price for placing ads on your ad space while others do not.
3) The support that is provided either over phone or e-mail. In some cases, you might add the ad script, and nothing comes up as ads. Alternatively, you might see impressions of ads being displayed on your site, but they are not recorded in the reports. Therefore, prompt support is needed so that you don’t waste your ad space.

4) The frequency and the methods of payment. In order to withdraw your google adsense earnings, many small publishers have to wait a long time since the payout  is high at 100$. Some pay per click companies have payouts at smaller amounts like 5$ while others need the income to be accrued to higher amounts for a payout. Some PPC advertising networks have two or three payment modes whereas some merely have two like check and paypal and even others have simply one mode of payment like a check.

Pay Per Click Companies

Here are some of the top-ranking pay per click companies, which are very good alternatives to adsense. Click on each for a detailed review of that pay per click company.

KonteraOne of the earliest inline advertisers with very good click through rates( CTR). Kontera in-text ads are more content sensitive than Infolinks and Adbrite and they have some of the big advertiser companies among their advertiser clients.  Kontera detailed review.

One of  good alternatives to google adsense. Chitika is a non-contextual ad network and is a perfect choice to complement your adsense earnings. The  Chitika in depth review


Another excellent alternative to adsense. Bidvertiser has very good CPC rates and is increasingly becoming content-sensitive. Bidvertiser in depth review


Intellilinks is a company which stands as an intemediary between a publisher and advertiser and sells your website's adspace for a flat rate irrespective of the impressions or clicks. Intellilinks  in depth review.


Another contextual ad pay per click company with all sorts of ad formats. Clicksor  in depth review.


Infolinks is an ad network which specializes in inline or in-text advertising. They have a very good advertiser base. Infolinks detailed review

Exit junctionAnother pay per click company with a unique way to monetize your bounced traffic. Great way to be add-on to adsense earnings. Exit Junction in depth review.

One ad network might give a good CPC for one for your sites whereas it might give a smaller CPC for another site in another niche. So only way to find which one suits you is to try different alternatives to adsense and decide based on the results over a period of time.

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